Another Jesus, Another Gospel

The apostle Paul had mentioned in the book of  2 Corinthians  in chapter 11 in verse 4 about some one coming along and preaching another Jesus, or another gospel, or corrupting the word of God in 2 Corinthians 2:17,  well, there are many modern day ministers in so called christian churches all over America  who are doing just that. Without mentioning names, there are big time tv ministers who  preach the "prosperity gospel", who tell you that God wants you to be rich, and healthy, they tell you what God is going do for you without telling you what you can do for God. These big time ministers with their big mega churches talk about the abundant life for right here and now without little or any regard for eternal life. I think it is very dangerous to listen to so called christian tv and radio programs, because they could corrupt your mind. Not all, but most of them do that, their programs cater to the flesh. Instead of telling you what the real Jesus said about picking up a cross daily and denying yourselves, they talk about a phoney Jesus that says, "Come to me and I will give you all you can see and want".  These  ministers won't talk about hell, they won't preach against sin, or tell you that you have to repent, no, they tell you all you want to hear.

The apostle Paul warned in the book of Galatians in chapter 1 verse 8,  "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." Now Paul was warning the Galatian church about adding the law to grace, he didn't want them to go back to the law, and if you add law to grace, it becomes another gospel, because we are saved by grace through faith only. I'm mostly talking about preachers who preach the prosperity gospel, and preachers refusing to speak on taking up a cross and denying ones self, they preach that gain is godliness. Paul calls these ministers who preach the false gospel of health and wealth, the "enemies of the cross of Christ"  in Philippians 3:18, Paul said they  "mind earthly things"  in verse 19. Paul said, "whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame", also in verse 19, and Paul said what their end would be, which is destruction, also in verse 19.  It says in 2 Cor. 11:14,15,  "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteouness; whose end shall be according to their works."   My pastor told me awhile back that he believes that Satan has more people in the ministery than Jesus does, and I think I believe that.  These ministers  "pervert the gospel of Christ"  {Gal. 1:7}  Most of these same modern day ministers  preach from modern versions of the bible which contain a false gospel {Read my messages on "The Attack  on the King James Bible", and "Changes and Omissions in Modern Bibles"}  These false bibles and false ministers of Christ are helping to send multitudes of people to hell. Please beware of these big time tv ministers, and also the same in  local churches around the country, and if you belong to one of these churches, think about getting out.

God Bless,


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