What Does Born Again Mean? 

A lot of people misunderstand what the term "born again" means.  Many think that it means when a person wises up and starts going to church, or stops doing bad things, or gets baptized or sprinkled with water etc. That is not what born again means at all. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, they spiritually died that day, and that spiritual death passed throughout all of mankind, so every person that is born into this world, is born spiritually dead, for it says in the Word of God in Eph.2:1,  "And you hath he quickened, who WERE DEAD in trespasses and sins." When a person realizes that he or she is a sinner headed for a devil's hell, and he or she is willing to turn from their life of sin, in other words, repent, and sincerely calls on the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive them and save them, and put all their trust for the salvation of  their souls in Jesus, Jesus will come into that person's life and save that person, He will give that person His holy Spirit, and that person becomes spiritually alive, that person will experience the new birth, in other words, that person is born again, and that is something no religion in  the  world can do. Jesus Christ told a devoutly religious man Nicodemus in John chapter 3 that he had to be born again,and He would  say that to every religious person today. There are many religious people in the world today who are not born again, and they will not see or enter the kingdom of God as Jesus told the  same thing to Nicodemus. You religious people who might be reading this, are you born again? I'm not asking you if you go to church, or if you got baptized or sprinkled, or if you go to confession to some priest, but are you born again?

God Bless,


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