Witnessing- The Responsibility of a Christian

The number one responsibility of a born again christian is to try to win a lost person to Christ, but sad to say, a lot of professing christians do not. They either do not know that that is their responsibility, because their preacher has never told them that, and they don't study enough of what Jesus said about it, or they just don't care about the lost heading  for hell, and if they don't care, then maybe they are not born again themselves, and if they are born again, then they are not filled with the Holy Spirit, because the fruit of the Spirit is love {Galatians 5:22}. A born again christian shouldn't have to be told that witnessing is something they should do, because if they are born again and are filled with the Holy Spirit, then they have love and a strong desire to share the gospel with the lost, in fact, they couldn't keep their mouth shut.

Jesus told his disciples, something He would tell every believer today, ".....Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." {Mark 16:15} Jesus also said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." {John 14:12}  The number one work that Jesus came to earth to do was to save sinners, and if we believe on him, then that is to be our number one work, now of course Jesus does the actual saving, but we have part in that when we tell the lost, and trying to win a soul for Christ is the greater work. What brings joy in heaven according to Jesus as recorded in Luke 15:7,10?  when one sinner repents. A born again christian can bring joy to heaven when they win a lost soul to Christ.

Jesus also said, ".........as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you." {John 20:21}  What did His Father send Him down here to do?  To save sinners of course, and if you and I believe in Jesus, then you and I are sent. Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you......." {Matt.11:29} Part of taking His yoke is to get involved in his work, and that is to save sinners. Remember what Jesus said, and remember also the last part of Proverbs 11:30, ".....he that winneth souls is wise".

God Bless,


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