Persecution is Coming to America

The reason for this message is because I am convinced that born again christians here in America are going to go through terrible persecution, probably sooner than we think. Some professing christians have this,  "Christians shouldn't have to suffer mentality", but the word of God says, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." { 2 Tim. 3:12 } As I mentioned earlier, I am convinced that christians here in America are going to go through terrible persecution, and in fact, I can see it coming, it is right around the corner. The return of the Lord is nearing, and Satan knows that his time is running out. Christians through the years have been suffering some type of persecution in other parts of the world and you can expect it to hit America soon, very soon.

The time is coming when professing christians will have to make a stand, they will have to decide which side they're on. The bible is not allowed in the court houses, the bible is not allowed in the public schools, and you got this ecumenical movement which has all religions coming together, and true born again followers of the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be  a part of this movement, and I've heard statements that fundamental christians are standing in the way, that they are the enemy, that they are dangerous. When all these false religions come together to worship and respect each other's belief, fundamentalist christians who  hold to the truth of what the bible says, will not go along with that and will be labled the bad guy, and will be sought after to be eliminated. There is hatred for Jesus Christ and the cross and Jesus said that we would be hated of all nations for his name's sake {Matt. 24:9}. Some people say that the book of Matthew is written only to the jews, well, I believe it is written for every follower of the Lord Jesus, which would be born again christians, which means the born again christians here in America will also be hated of all nations for Jesus sake. Satan hates the name of Jesus, and he hates every christian, so EVERY believer of the Lord Jesus, Americans included will be hated, will be persecuted and will be  hunted after to be put to death.

It is only a matter of time before the kind of persecution that christians in other parts of the world are experiencing that it happens here in America, expect it, I mean after all, are we better than other christians in other parts of the globe?  Jesus said that we would be hated by all men for his name's sake { Matt.10:22, Luke 21:17 }. I fully believe that time will tell  who true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are when this persecution arises in America. So far, the only persecution in America I know of, is christian school teachers  not being allowed to mention Jesus in the class room, or not being allowed to bring their bibles with them to the school or they will lose their jobs, and I've been teased and laughed at because of my faith, but this persecution is nothing compared to what is coming, and in a way, that is good because we will find out who the true believers are and who  the phoneys are, and we definately have lots of phoneys. There are too many lukewarm, worldly christians here in America, and they will have to decide which side they are on, plus, the sooner this persecution starts, the sooner the Lord will return, so in closing this message, I will say this, whoever reading this message is a professing christian but is too worldly and lukewarm, better decide soon, like right now what side you are on, and be ready to make a stand because persecution is coming, maybe sooner than you think, and whether you believe or like it or not

God Bless,



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