Should Christians Vote?

This upcoming presidential election is on the minds of most Americans I'm sure, Americans are wondering and worrying about who is going to get in office.  Should christians get involved in this upcoming presidential election? should christians get involved in politics at all? I say "no". I'm not saying that it's a sin to vote, and it is certainly not a sin not to vote either. I guess if a true born again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ was running for office of President, I MIGHT  register to vote, and vote for that christian, BUT,  the thing is, I feel strongly that a true born again, self denying, cross bearing follower of the Lord Jesus Christ wouldn't even get elected, because his first allegience would be to the Lord Jesus Christ. I do not know much about politics, but I do know that when people help to get you elected, they expect you to bow to their whims and wants, and if you do not, you'd be in trouble, you'd be ousted,impeached or whatever, and besides, America has strayed far from God, the bible has been banned from the courthouses, the public educational system, there is very little regard for God today in America, there is hatred for Jesus Christ and the cross, and if a true christian managed to get elected as President, and tried to change all of that, there would be an assassination attempt most likely. People,  even so called christians would say,  "Ah he is too radical, it's good to be a christian, but he's too fanatical about it, maybe we shouldn't have voted for him, he's going over board".  Also, some  Politicians  will claim to be a christian in order to get the christian vote,but  you'll see what they are made of later.

True bible christianity and politics do not mix, for one, politics is of the world, and Satan is called "the god of this world"  {2 Cor. 4:4}  he controls the world system, this is his kingdom, and second, the Lord Jesus said,  "My kingdom is not of this world" {John 18:36} and I believe that this kingdom of Satan shouldn't be the kingdom of born again followers of the Lord Jesus either, we live in the world, but we are not to be of the world, and also, the Lord Jesus further said in that same verse, "and  if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight....."   Don't politicians fight to get elected?  they don't physically fight of course, but there is a lot of "mud slinging" among politicians, and  people sometimes argue and bicker with each other about who would be the better  President, and christians don't need to be a part of that fighting either.

It is not our job as born again christians to try to christianize America, our job is to try to make christians out of each individual person.  We as born again christians are not to be conformed to this world as it says in Romans 12:2, and I believe that getting involved in politics is a part of being conformed to the world, and besides, we as christians, are not to "love the world, neither the things that are in the world" {1 John 2:15}, and scripture says, "....whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." {James 4:4}   Because of these scriptures, I believe born again christians should just stay out of politics, for it is of the world, and as I said earlier in this message, the devil is the god of this world, this is his kingdom, not the Lord Jesus Christ's, not yet anyway,until He returns to take over the world. My conversation {citizenship} is in heaven {Philippians 3:20} because my name is written in the Lamb's book of life.


Do you really think that born again christians have to worry about who does or who doesn't get into office?  I say absolutely not. We have a good shepherd who laid down His life for us by dying on the cross, and He will not leave us up the creek without a paddle, besides , He will never leave us nor forsake us { Heb. 13:5}  I will tell any other christian who thinks that it is just so awful that I don't vote,  Do you mean that the Lord Jesus won't take care of me anymore because I didn't vote?  You mean the part about the Lord being my Shepherd and that his goodness and mercy following me all the days of my life as it says in Psalm 23 no longer applies to me just because I don't vote?  You mean the Lord is angry at me because I didn't vote?   Understand, as long as I do right by the Lord, and seeking first his kingdom as it says in Matt. 6:33, and witnessing for him, I will be alright, no matter who gets into the office as President of the United States. 


Professing christians who are putting their hope and trust in some politician, need to understand that our hope is not in some man,or woman, and as a matter of fact, the word of God says,  "Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man....."  {Jeremiah 17:5}  There was no voting in the bible as far as electing kings, God raised up kings, and it was He that brought them down without any elections.  Any professing christian who says,  "Oh we need to vote to try to get the right person In office",or says,  "The only hope for America is the right President"  etc. is missing the point. If an ungodly man or woman got into office of President, we as christians can know for certainty that all will be ok for us because God is still on the throne, and He will never leave or forsake us. Let the unsaved people in America worry about who gets into office, because they have no other hope unless they repent and come to the Lord. I don't vote and I will not vote and I do not need to vote because the good Shepherd takes care of me and takes care of me a lot better than some politician ever could or would, no matter what happens, I will be ok, and when things start falling apart all around just because the wrong person got into office, I will be ok, so will every christian who puts his or her hope and trust in the Lord. I can gurantee that God won't say,  "You are now on your own because you didn't vote in this election, you should have voted".  No politician is my shepherd. In closing this message,I will say this, I did vote, I "voted" for the Lord Jesus, and I'm waiting for him to come back and take over  not just America, but this  whole planet, and He is going to rule with a rod of iron, He's my "President".

God Bless,


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